

Inflammatory disease
Ulcerative colitis
is confined to the colon and rectum. You might see occational ileal involvement, so-called "backwash" inflammation.
  1. Crypt distortion/Architectural distortion
  2. inflammation confined to the mucosa and submucosa
  3. might see thickening of the muscularis mucosae
  4. Basal plasmocytosis
  5. no granulomas, fissures are not seen and fibrosis is usually absent
Crohn disease
Can be found anywhere from the mouth to anus, and has a patchy distribution. There is often an ileum involvement.
  1. Crypt distortion/Architectural distortion
  2. Transmural inflammation
  3. Granulomas
  4. fibrosis
  5. fissures are common
  6. Paneth cell or pyloric gland metaplasia