Ovaries and fallopian tubes

uterus histology uterus histology

Borderine tumors

Borderline tumors are most often found in the ovaries, and only seldom in the uterine tube or peritoneum. The tumors are made out of atypical epithelium without stromal invasion. Serous, mucinous, endometrioid, clear cell, seromucinous and brenner are all different subtypes of borderline tumors.

Serous borderline tumors
  1. Can be cystic or solid masses with surface papillary epithelial structures.
  2. The epithelium is made out of cuboidal to columnar cells with pseudostratification, often with hobnailing or tufting. (Should cover >10% of the epithelium).
      mild-to-moderate nuclear atypi
  3. Detached cells, that can be round and eosinophilic.
  4. Sometimes you will see Psammoma bodies.
  5. Immunohistochemistry: P53 (wild-type), P16 (negative or patchy), WT1 (positive), ER (positive), CK7 (positive), CK20 (negative).